“What is Epoxy Flooring?”

Epoxy flooring is highly durable, customizable, sustainable, and decorative for any surface. Epoxy flooring can withstand high levels of wear and tear, which makes it the most long-lasting flooring options. It is great for industrial use, garages, or any outdoor surfaces. There are also two different kinds of epoxy floor applications: epoxy flooring and epoxy floor coating. Confusion typically arises when comparing an epoxy floor and epoxy floor coating. The difference between them depends on the thickness of the epoxy; greater than 2mm thick is epoxy flooring and less than 2mm thick is epoxy floor coating. 

Epoxy Flooring is where multiple layers of epoxy are applied to a floor, with a depth of at least 2 millimeters. 

Epoxy Floor Coating is when epoxy is applied to an existing floor, with a depth of 2 millimeters or less.

-Info from EpoxyCentral.com